Archiving solutions to visualize your information.
All activities produce information that needs to be saved. Depona are specialists in archives management. We offer services from advice and management of a few archive boxes to taking over and operating extensive archives. Our web-based solution Visual Archive makes it easy to maintain your information in the future.
The paperless archives
e-Archive is a digital archive solution that transforms your physical archives to digital ones and zeros. All stored in the cloud. You upload your data and we take it safely from there. Since all documentation is compliant with GDPR regulations, e-Archive is a solution that can help fulfill your organizations GDPR strategy.
Depona bridge the border between analogue and digital.
When you have a mix of digital and physical information that you need for your business, Depona helps you compile and present the information.
Safe archive solutions for all your needs
It can be difficult, expensive and time consuming to save and administrate information and data in a safe and appropriate way. That’s why we help our clients manage their archives. We provide solutions that are efficient and offer easy accessibility regardless of their needs and requirements.
About Depona

Depona Norway
Modern archive management based on quality certified systems and processes.

Safe, secure, efficient, innovative and affordable. That’s why Depona is growing.

All the electricity we use comes from hydroelectric or wind power.

Depona is one of the leading provider of archive services and solutions in the Nordic region since 2016.